Gilles writes:

> I've downloaded 2.6.0 in its new packaging style.
> Right now, all I can say is: It doesn't work (TM).
> I understand this is about simplifying installation for everyone;
> hence, I followed the simple instruction on "", and
> this the result:
> # bash lilypond-2.6.0.x86.package

What does

    package --version


Can you try installing as a normal user (not as root?).

> /dev/shm/autopackage.177993980/meta/
>  line 1373: /usr/libexec/autopackage/freespace: No such file or directory
> FAIL:  You don't have enough disk space for  in prefix , you need at least  
> bytes
> The missing bits in the error message clearly show that something happened 
> that was unexpected. [And there is more than 3 GB of free space...]
> So, what the "simple" user is supposed to do now?  Dive into the 
> bash script?
> Whom should the user turn to when something goes wrong with an 
> autopackage-driven installation?  The to-be-installed software 
> developers/packagers or the "autopackage" people?

Good question.  In this case, I cc'd the autopackage people.

> # CPUArchitecture x86
> Does that mean that the lilypond autopackage doesn't work on AMD64 (x86_64)?
> [The autopackage web site indicates that AMD64 is supported.] Or that
> Lilypond doesn't work on AMD64? [Obviously not, since I have 2.4.5 installed.]
> Or that the autopackage script is broken for this architecture?
> [I read here that someone successfully installed the package on Debian.  That 
> could help if we can compare our respective configurations...]
> I'd really like to try out the latest and brightest Lilypond.

What distribution do you run?  I expect lilypond 2.6 to be in Debian rsn.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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