Gentlemen, I am currently busy with the task to convert the music of our churchchoir from handwritten text to Lilypond using 2.5.18 under Mandrake-linux, now Mandriva 10.2 RC2.
It is a good program, but with this script I get a mismeasureing in the length of the measures. %%% CODE SNIPPET %%% \header { maintainer = "Lezer Herman (Grootaers)" lastupdated = "2003/07/08" } \version "2.5.18" global = { \key d \major \time 3/4 \autoBeamOff } sop = \relative c'' { \grace a8 b4. a8 g fis e2. d^\fermata \bar "||" s2 a'4 d( cis b) a2.( g2) g4 fis2.^\fermata fis4 fis2^\fermata \bar "|." } alt = \relative c' { \stemDown \grace cis8 cis4. d8 e d e2( cis4) d2._\fermata s2 fis4 fis( a g) e( d2 d2) cis4 d2._\fermata d4 d2_\fermata \bar "|." } ten = \relative c' { \grace e,8 g4. fis8 b a g2. fis^\fermata s2 d'4 d2. cis4( d a b2) a4 a2.^\fermata a4 a2^\fermata } bas = \relative c { \stemDown \grace a8 a4. a8 a a a2. d_\fermata s2 d4 b'4( fis g) g( fis2 e) e4 d2._\fermata d4 d2_\fermata \bar "|." } ektenia = \lyricmode { " " ÐÐÑ- ÐÐ- ÐÐ, ÐÐ- ÐÐ- ÐÑÐ. ÐÐ- ÐÐ, ÐÐÑ -ÐÐ- ÐÐ. Ð- ÐÐÐÑ. } \score { \context ChoirStaff << \context Staff = "women" << \context Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne << \global \sop >> } \context Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo << \global \alt >> } \context Lyrics = alto { s1 } >> \context Staff = "men" << \clef bass \context Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne << \global \ten >> } \context Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo << \global \bas >> } >> \context Lyrics = alto \lyricsto alto \ektenia >> \layout { indent = 0.0\mm \context { \Staff } } } %%%% END OF CODE SNIPPET %%%% The output of Lilypond is: %%%% Log of Lilypond %%%% GNU LilyPond 2.5.18 Processing `' Parsing... Interpreting music... programming error: Moving backwards in time Continuing; crossing fingers [8][12] Preprocessing graphical objects... Calculating line breaks... [3][6][9] Calculating page breaks... Layout output to `'... Converting to `Ektenia105.5.pdf'... %%%% End of Log of Lilypond %%%% The file in which this occurs is larger, but this snippet is the shortest on which it occurs. I dont know what went wrong, but I am without any resources now. I hope you can get me an answer on this problem. Herman Grootaers BTW, The lyrics are ment to be in cyrillic. Herman _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list