Dear developers,
in the following score (from Scarlatti's K519):

\score {
        \context Staff = upper {
           \key f \minor
           \time 3/8
           \relative c'' {
               { aes'4 g8  f es des des c des c des es } \\
               { aes,4.    aes        es'    es       }

               { c8 des es   f4    es8 } \\
               { s4     bes8 a bes c }

               { bes'4 aes8  ges f es    es des es des es f } \\
               { bes,4.      bes      f'   f       }

               { des8 es f   g4  f8  } \\
               { s4      c8  b c d  }

               { c'4    bes8  aes g f  f es f  es f g } \\
               { c,4.         c       g'   g     }


        \layout { raggedlast = ##t indent = 0\mm }

the dotted notes of the lower voice are drawn incorrectly--a better
placement (easily enforced thanks to Lilypond flexibility) would be to
move them on the right of the first eighth of the upper voice. In
particolar, in some cases the augmentation dot is almost invisible.



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