On Saturday 08 January 2005 21.24, Wiz Aus wrote:
> Given the following:
> \new StaffGroup
> <<
> \new Staff { R1 R1 R1 }
> \new InnerStaffGroup
> <<
> \new Staff { R1 R1 R1 }
> \new Staff { R1 R1 R1 }
> Both staff grouping brackets end at the same point.  In traditionally
> engraved scores (e.g. Dover's publication of Scheherazade), these ends are
> merged, or at least the inner ends are hidden.
> It looks even more noticeable with 3 levels (the latter score has exactly
> this on, say, pg 12, V.Cello).

Thanks! Do you have a scan of an example of how it should be done?

I agree that it doesn't look good, and I have added it as 
staffgroup-bracket-nested in the bug cvs. Thanks for the report!

> Speaking of which, how do you have more than 3 levels of staff bracketing?
> It seems to get three you need to use
> StaffGroup/ChoirStaff/InnerStaffGroup, but after that you're on your own. 
> If I wanted, say, the whole score with one bracket, the string section with
> another bracket, then violin I & II bracketed, and then violin I solo and
> violin I (rest) bracketed, it doesn't seem obvious how to do this.

My guess is that this is uncommon among traditionally engraved scores. I think 
it is possible to do this by defining new contexts manually, see 
engraver-init.ly and manual -> Interpretation contexts for inspiration. I 
didn't manage to do this myself though.


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