You can use them with the text markup commands, see and
For example, you can do
^\markup{ \combine \vcenter \musicglyph #"accordion-accDiscant" \musicglyph #"accordion-accDot" }
^\markup{ \combine \vcenter \musicglyph #"accordion-accDiscant" \translate #'(0 . -1 ) \musicglyph #"accordion-accDot" }
It's possible to define your own shortcuts, see
Albert Einstein wrote:
In documentation of Lilypond I found accordion-accStdBase mark but I don't know how to put dots inside of this mark. There is command accordion-accDot but in the documentation there is no example (or I can't find ) how to do a mark for example like below. We must integrate in this case accordion-accDiscant and accordion-accDot.
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