> Just compiled 2.3.22 on my SuSE 8.2 system.  Generally a clean install and 
> output looks good for my purposes.  
> Some comments about the Tips and Tricks output:
> 1) The online web version does not inline the images, but has a link instead.  
> Good idea, but the link points to the source, not the image.

bug in the lilypond.org version. should be fixed now.

> (All remaining comments about the one I've built here.)
> 2) bar-lines.ly shows the proposed bar line as markup.  The markup is a bit 
> low, and the 'period' in |. is almost swallowed by the top of staff.  I'd 
> recommend raising the markup by 1 unit.


> 3) The box for bar-number-regular-interval.ly is oddly shaped - the bottom 
> line is roughly half way up the sides instead of the bottom.
> 4) Not sure whether it's intentional, but the box around the stem in 
> boxed-stencil.ly ends on the ledger line.  You might want to change to the 
> note to a 'B' or 'D' to highlight the box being completed. 


> 6) Every example of ossia I have seen shows the ossia staff at least 1 size 
> smaller.  Any chance of adding that to ossia.ly?



 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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