(Without the express goal of intentionally searching for these things!....)
Here's the info concerning the message of a "programming error" that the terminal output is giving me when I run my .ly file.
-Sean ------------------------------------------ Sean Reed Hamburg, Germany www.seanreed.de
When I run Lilypond with the 85 measures that my score has so far, I receive a total of 7 statements of "programming error" in the console/terminal output. For the sake of "brevity" I have managed to localize 5 consecutive measures of the score which produce 4 statements of the "programming" error. I receive no warnings or parse errors, the pdf file gets made fine, and looks completely correct.
This is occurring with lilypond 2.3.13 on mac 10.3.5.
Commenting the lines
\new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano "
\set PianoStaff.instr = "Pno "
\new Staff \pianoRhNotes
\new Staff \pianoLhNotes
out of the \score results in a normal run with no "programming error" message.
Commenting out the "\new Staff << \violinNotes>> " in the "\score" results in the same 4 statements of the "programming error" message.
Here's the file:
violinNotes = \notes {
#(set-accidental-style 'modern)
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 60
\clef violin
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"violin"
\set Staff.instrument = "Violin "
\set Staff.instr = "Vln "
\relative c'' {
% measure 75
<g' b>16([ f16-.)\mp r16. a32-.->\>] r8 f16-. r16 r4 r8 des16-.\p\! r16 |
r4 r16[ cis8->\f\> dis16-.] \times 2/3 {f8-.->[\! r8 f,-.\mp\>]} g16-.[ r16 a'16-. cis16-.\!] |
r4 <cis dis>8-.->\mf r8 r16 <a cis>16-.-> r8 r8 <b cis>8-.-> |
r16[ <a cis>-.-> r <a cis>-.->] r16[ <a cis>8-> <a cis>16-.] r16 <b cis>-.-> r8 \times 4/5 { r16 cis-. b-. g-. es-.} |
b4 r2.
\bar "||"
pianoRhNotes = \notes {
#(set-accidental-style 'modern)
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
\relative c' {
% measure 75
r8 <es' f>16-. r r8 <es, es'>16-. r r16 <ces' es>-. r8 <a b>16-.[ r8 <g b>16-.] |
r8. <f g b>16-. r16 <f g b>-. r8 r16<f g b>16-. r8 <f g b>16-.[ r f16.--~ <f g a>32] |
r8[ <des' f a>16->(\ff b'-.)] <des, f a>->[( b'-.) r16 <f a b>-.->] f,->([\mf a-.) r <a cis>-.->] f32->([ a <b dis> a g8-.)] |
r4 g32->([ a b8.)] \times 2/3 {dis8-. <g, a b>-.-> dis'-.} b16-.[ g-. a-. b-.] |
a16-.[ f-. es-. r] r <des f>-. r8 r4 r16 <f' a b cis>-. r8 |
pianoLhNotes = \notes {
#(set-accidental-style 'modern)
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
\clef bass
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
\relative c {
% measure 75
\times 2/3 {r8 <des f>-.-> r8} r16 <a des f>-.-> r8 <des es>16-.->[ r r <a des es>-.->] r8 a16-.-> r |
r8 <a' cis>16-.-> r <a cis>16-.-> r8.] <a cis>16-.-> r r <a cis>-.->] r[ a-.-> r g,-.] |
\times 2/3 {r8[ <f a b>-> <f a b>->]} r8 <f a b>16-> r dis'-. r8. g16-. r8. |
r4 <g b>16-.-> r8. r2 |
r4 b16-.[ a,-. r g-.] r4 r16 es-. r8 |
\bar "||"
\score { << \time 4/4 % \new Staff << % \violinNotes >> \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano " \set PianoStaff.instr = "Pno " \new Staff \pianoRhNotes \new Staff \pianoLhNotes >> >> \midi { \tempo 4 = 60 } \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") } }
Here's the console/terminal output:
> lilypond /Users/seanreed/Documents/lilypondTests/PEchase/E/ PEchaseE2_pianoOnly.ly
Now processing `/Users/seanreed/Documents/lilypondTests/PEchase/E/ PEchaseE2_pianoOnly.ly'
Interpreting music...
MIDI output to `PEchaseE2_pianoOnly.midi'...
Track ...
Interpreting music... [6]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... [3]
programming error: Improbable offset for translation: setting to zero
Continuing; crossing fingers
programming error: Improbable offset for translation: setting to zero
Continuing; crossing fingers
programming error: Improbable offset for translation: setting to zero
Continuing; crossing fingers
programming error: Improbable offset for translation: setting to zero
Continuing; crossing fingers
paper output to `PEchaseE2_pianoOnly.ps'...
Converting to `PEchaseE2_pianoOnly.pdf'...
LilyPond ready.
On 09.09.2004, at 00:53, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:with lilypond 2.3.13 on mac os 10.3.5 i'm getting the following message:
programming error: Improbable offset for translation: setting to zero Continuing; crossing fingers
is it something i should pay attention to? is it something i've typed wrong in my lilypond file? the pdf still get made and looks ok to me.
Can you isolate a small .ly file and send in a bugreport?
Han-Wen Nienhuys | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen
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