The e-mail I sent yesterday has been disappeared from the archive I am reposting it here -- sorry if you are reading this again.

The following score causes Lilypond 2.3.11 to create a MIDI file where only the first note is audible (yes, the fourth C is gone too):

\book {
   \score {
       c4 c-\< c-\! c

   \paper { }
   \midi { \tempo 4 = 120 }

If you remove the crescendo, the MIDI file is OK. Also, if you put a "-\f" after the last note, this become audible.

Mats suggested me to use midi2ly to understand what was happening. Well, I did it and discovered that every note *was* present in the MIDI output. So I think Lilypond has created a MIDI file where all the notes but the first have zero velocity (volume).

 Maurizio Tomasi.

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