The score below causes a crash for me. The error message is below the score. The Lilypond version is 2.2.0 on Mac OS X.

The error goes away if either:

\notes { c'8\> c'\! r2. }

is changed to

\notes { c'1 }

or, if

\notes { R1 * 2 }

is changed to

\notes { R1 }

It may be that in \partcombine you should always have the same number of measures in each part, but this is kind of a hassle when putting together a piece. In any case, thanks for lilypond. It's fantastic. I'd contribute a patch if I knew scheme.

David Brandon

\version "2.2.0"
\include ""

\score {
\new Staff
\notes { R1 * 2 }
\notes { c'8\> c'\! r2. }
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.0
Running lilypond-bin...
Now processing `'
Interpreting music... Interpreting music... Backtrace:
In /sw/share/lilypond/2.2.0/scm/part-combiner.scm:
203: 2* [ly:music-set-property! #<Music PartCombineMusic> split-list ...
204: 3* [determine-split-list ((# #) (#) (#)) ((# # #) (# # #) (# #) (#))]
211: 4 (let* (# # # # ...) (letrec # # # ...))
In unknown file:
?: 5 (letrec (# # #) (analyse-spanner-states voice-state-vec1) ...)
In /sw/share/lilypond/2.2.0/scm/part-combiner.scm:
436: 6* [analyse-solo12 0]
In unknown file:
?: 7 (letrec (# # # # ...) (if # #))
In /sw/share/lilypond/2.2.0/scm/part-combiner.scm:
419: 8 [analyse-solo12 ...
419: 9* [analyse-moment 0]
392: 10 (let* ((now-state #) (vs1 #) (vs2 #) ...) (max (cond # # ...) (1+ ri)))
402: 11 [max ...
403: 12* (cond (# # #) (# #) (# #) ...)
413: 13 [try-solo solo2 0 0]
374: 14 (cond ((not (equal? # #)) current-idx) ((> siln 0) start-idx) ...)
377: 15* (and (null? (span-state solo-state)))
377: 16 [null? ...
377: 17* [span-state #<<generic-with-setter> span-state (1)> (#f)]
In unknown file:
?: 18* [memoize-method! #<<generic-with-setter> span-state (1)> (# #) ...]
In /sw/share/guile/1.6/oop/goops/dispatch.scm:
239: 19* (let ((applicable #)) (cond (applicable #) (# #) (#t # # #)))
243: 20 (cond (applicable #) (# #) (#t # # #))
In /sw/share/guile/1.6/oop/goops.scm:
119: 21 [scm-error goops-error #f ...]

/sw/share/guile/1.6/oop/goops.scm:119:3: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote goops-error) #f ...):
/sw/share/guile/1.6/oop/goops.scm:119:3: No applicable method for #<<generic-with-setter> span-state (1)> in call (span-state #f)

lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file tmp (exit status 2)
lilypond: warning: Running LilyPond failed. Rerun with --verbose for a trace.

"We are number one.  All others are number two or lower."  --The Sphinx

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