> 1. The "piece" header is written in smallcaps. I can't recall that I got any 
> answer of why it should, so perhaps it is a bug after all.
> Example:
> \score {\notes b \header {piece="Allegro"} }


> 2. The following gives a "Programming Error" message. It should just be a 
> normal warning.
> \score { \new Lyrics \lyrics { a -- } }


> 3. I reported a layout problem on feb 19, which was only partially fixed:
> When there are multiple staves, of which one ends in a \bar "||":


> 4. You still get error/warning messages, suggesting that something is wrong, 
> if there is no midi output in the \score block:

too lazy to fix. This is going away in 2.3 anyway.

> 5. Repeat barlines are engraved to the left of the key signature. My feeling 
> is that it should be the other way around. Am I wrong?
> \score { \notes {\key f\major a1 \break \repeat "volta" 2 {a1} }}


> 6. The autobeaming problem I reported yesterday:
> \notes {
>  b16 b <<{b8 b b16 r} \\ {b8 b b16 r}>> b b b s s4 |
>  b16 b <<{b8 b b16} \\ {b8 b b16}>> r b b b % <-- these notes should be beamed
> }

This is a documented deficiency of the autobeamer: autobeams are not
created when terminating a context.



 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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