I don't really understand what you tried, but the following example
seems to work well:

\score{\notes\new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff \relative c'{c d e f g1 c,}
        \new Staff {\skip 1*3 }


Ruven Gottlieb wrote:

If I don't put anything in the lower staff of a PianoStaff, the lower staff won't be displayed. E.g. I just want to notate the treble part because I want to write the bass part in by hand because I'm working out chords.

I tried putting the ending bar in the bass clef. No dice.

I tried just putting in spacer rests, but that didn't work either. If that's all there is in the lower cleff, it won't display.

I finally put in transparent notes, but the notes play via MIDI, so that's no good either.

Seems that proper behavior ought to be that if I specified PianoStaff, both staves ought to print whether or not I put anything in both staves. The empty staff ought to be as long as the one with notes in it.


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