On Friday 05 March 2004 00.16, David Bobroff wrote:
> I don't think this is a LilyPond bug but I thought I would mention it
> here.
> A few days ago I was working on some LilyPond project I have.  I usually
> have Ghostveiw running, and set to "watch file" so I'll see my changes
> right away.  Well, at one point I saw some very unpleasant changes.
> Note heads, clefs, key signatures, maybe some other stuff as well,
> disappeared.  I saw some little tiny glyph in the area where I should
> have been seeing a key signarture and wondered what was there.  I
> magnified it, and to my surprise, in the magnification window it looked
> fine.  I printed the page and there were no missing symbols.  Then I
> discovered that if I changed the overall page magnification it would
> "fix" itself.  I further discovered that if I toggle between "natural
> size" and "pixel based" it will also fix itself.  It's not that one or
> the other is more reliable.  It is simply the act of switching that will
> fix it.  I have tried saving the file when it appears strange, but the
> saved file looks fine, too.
> Sometimes the "wrong" appearance is fairly subtle; missing tuplet
> numbers and some dynamic markings, for example. At other times, though,
> it is quite shocking.  Most of the music symbols are gone.  There are
> staves, beams, stems, barlines, and some \number style numbers
> apparently substituting for some note heads, and nothing else.  All I
> have to do is toggle between natural size/pixel based and it's fine.
> As I said, it isn't possible to print out the appearance.  It's fine
> when printed.  If I knew how to do a screen shot I'd try to get one to
> send in if anyone is interested.  

Try ksnapshot.

> It doesn't seem to be a real problem.
> Just an odd minor inconvenience.

I also experience it from time to time. It's probably a bug in gv (or gs). I'm 
using debian sarge, and gv 3.5.8-31, gs 7.07-1.

I think what happens is that gv forgets some of its font symbols, so they are 
not displayed.

The problem started occuring for me very soon after \include "paper*" was 
changed to set-global-staff-size, so I think this has something to do with 


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