In the manual, under "Ancient time signatures" it says

"Some glyphs (such as the alternate glyph for 6/8 meter) are not at all
accessible through the \time command."

In the table above, a glyph is shown above the command "\time 6/8".
AFAICS, no other 6/8 glyph is mentioned in the manual. Are there two
glyphs, one you get with \time 6/8, and one you get some other way (which
seems not to be mentioned)? Or is the sentence I just quoted wrong?

The manual continues:

"Mensural time signatures are supported typographically, but not yet
musically. The internal representation of durations is based on a purely
binary system; a ternary division such as 1 brevis = 3 semibrevis (tempus
perfectum) or 1 semibrevis = 3 minima (cum prolatione maiori) is not
correctly handled: event times in ternary modes will be badly computed,
resulting e.g. in horizontally misaligned note heads, and bar checks are
likely to erroneously fail."

But again, I can't see any way to get \time (or another command) to select
a ternary time signature.

-- | free, a.  already paid for (Peyton Jones)

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