On Saturday 31 January 2004 06:40, Erik Sandberg wrote:
> Hi,
> I mentioned this bug in my previous mail. Now it is more isolated:
> The following two scores generate different output using 2.1.16.
> \version "2.1.16"
> songA = \notes \relative c' { a2. r8. }
> songB = \notes \relative c'' { a16 a8 a }
> \score {
>   \notes <<
>   \context Voice=A \notes {\songA \songB }
>   \lyricsto A \context Lyrics \lyrics { a a a a }
> }
> songAB = \notes \relative c' { a2. r8. a16 a8 a }
> \score {
>   \notes <<
>   \context Voice=A \notes {\songAB }
>   \lyricsto A \context Lyrics \lyrics { a a a a }
> }

You have \lyrics inside a \notes block.  It confuses the hell out of me.

Two million enemy women and children dead in our 12-year struggle to 
over Iraq to the backers of "fundamentalists" and terrorists.  Iraq will
surely be a prime source of cannon fodder for the annihilation of 
D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ (http://www.) openguitar.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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