The values for break-visibility do not seem to be documented, or
at least, not all in one place.  Here are two ways to list them.
Choose one, or try to think of a better way.

BTW, in order to get the change to scm/define-grob-properties.scm into the
manual, I had to do "make clean; make; make web", which takes a long time.
Any chance of improving the dependancies?  OTOH, not many users will be
able to find the right place to change the internals docs anyway.

~ John Williams

--- lily/        2004/01/11 18:58:05     1.1
+++ lily/        2004/01/11 23:35:09
@@ -212,5 +212,18 @@
              "the outcome of the @code{break-visibility}. This grob property is a\n"
              "function taking a direction (-1, 0 or 1) as argument. It returns a\n"
              "cons of booleans, signifying whether this grob should be transparent\n"
-             "and have no extent.\n",
+             "and have no extent.\n"
+             "\n"
+             "The following symbols for break-visibility are predefined for you:\n"
+             "@example\n"
+             "           grob will show:   before  no     after\n"
+             "                             break   break  break\n"
+             "  all-invisible              no      no     no\n"
+             "  begin-of-line-visible      no      no     yes\n"
+             "  end-of-line-visible        yes     no     no\n"
+             "  all-visible                yes     yes    yes\n"
+             "  begin-of-line-invisible    yes     yes    no\n"
+             "  end-of-line-invisible      no      yes    yes\n"
+             "@end example\n"
+             ,
              "no-spacing-rods break-visibility breakable")
--- scm/define-grob-properties.scm      2004/01/11 19:24:07     1.1
+++ scm/define-grob-properties.scm      2004/01/11 19:24:19
@@ -460,6 +460,10 @@
 (grob-property-description 'break-visibility procedure? "a function
 that takes the break direction and returns a cons of booleans
 containing (TRANSPARENT . EMPTY).
+The following symbols are predefined for you: @code{all-visible},
[EMAIL PROTECTED], @code{end-of-line-visible},
[EMAIL PROTECTED], @code{end-of-line-invisible},
 (grob-property-description 'virga boolean? "is this neume a virga?.")
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