> Hello,
> I've upgraded from 1.6 to 2.1 (debian package) and I can honestly say
> there's been a huge number of improvements, so first things first,
> congratulations for all these!
> Now my bug:
> It used to be the case that chords '<>' were just simultaneous music in
> lilypond 1.6, now I understand chords are special, in the sense that
> they share the time duration at the end of the '<>' construct, and can
> be linked to other notes or chords by '~' for example. The problem is
> that \x notation for tablature indicating the string at which the note
> is played is not interpreted in the '<>' construct anymore, which leads
> to auto-interpretation of the string used (which in most cases is not
> good enough).
> The only solution to have correct strings specified is to use the '<<>>'
> syntax, with note durations inside on each note played, but this does
> not let me link the chord to the next one using '~' !!
> So I can either link my chords with wrong tablature (string numbers), or
> have correct chords but unspecifiable durations (no '~'), I really thing
> this is a bug, or is there some new syntax ?

Thanks for you pointer. It's fixed in 2.1 cvs now, but I think you can

  <c e>\5\4



 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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