Hello I am preparing choir staff sheets and midi files (using Lilypond 1.6.5) and I encountered a problem when using \partial, \repeat and bar checks. Please refer to the following extract:
%=================== Begin of extract ================== \paper { pagesize = "a4" } \include "paper13.ly" \include "deutsch.ly" \version "1.6.5" \header { title = "BarCheck failure" } Sopran = \notes \relative c' \context Voice = $Sopran { \clef violin \key e \major \time 4/4 \repeat volta 2 { \partial 4 e4 h e \break gis fis8 fis } \alternative { { h1 e,2 r4 \break } { | h1 } } e4 r4 r2 r4 e' h \bar "|." \break \break } \score { \notes { % \apply #unfold-repeats \context Staff = Sopran \Sopran } \paper { } } \score { \notes { \apply #unfold-repeats \context Staff = Sopran \Sopran } \paper { } } % Unfold repeats for MIDI output. \score { \notes { \apply #unfold-repeats \context Staff = Sopran \Sopran } \midi { \tempo 4=140 } } %================= End of extract ================== This file produces a paper sheet with three lines. The first two present the folded view of the piece of music and the third line shows the unfolded view. Both results are correct if I use the manual bar check ("|"), exactly what I want to get. But if I remove the manual bar check, the bars in the second line become wrongly placed. With the bar check I get the following error message when running ly2dvi: [me@localhost ~]$ ly2dvi -P BarCheck.ly Running LilyPond... GNU LilyPond 1.6.5 Now processing: `BarCheck.ly' Parsing... Interpreting music... /home/me/BarCheck.ly:17:8: warning: barcheck failed at: 3/4: { | h1 } [8] Preprocessing elements... Calculating column positions... [3][6][8] paper output to `BarCheck.tex'... writing header field `title' to `BarCheck.title'... Interpreting music...[8][9] Preprocessing elements... Calculating column positions... [3][6] paper output to `BarCheck-1.tex'... ........ -- Kind regards, Christoph Brauckmann [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond