Hi folks,
   The combination of multiple voices on a single staff with
\addlyrics and named LyricVoice contexts doesn't work the way I expect
it to.   I thought that the purpose of a named LyricVoice was to tell
Lilypond which voice to take the rhythm from...

In the example below, Lilypond becomes confused as to which notes to
attach which lyrics to.  The rests in the alto part are ignored for
the purposes of setting the alto lyrics (and in fact are typeset as if
they were part of the soprano voice).

\header {
    title = "Swing Low"
    composer = "trad"

global=\notes {
    \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
    \time 2/4
    \key g \major
    \partial 8 s8 |
    \skip 2*7 |
    \skip 4. \bar "||"

sopChorus=\notes\relative c'' {
    b8 |
    g4. b8 |
    g8. g16 e16() d8. |
    g32 g16. g16. g32 b16 d16 d8 |
    d4. e32()d16. |
    b4. d8 |
    g,8. g16 e16 d8. |
    g32 g16. g16. g32 b32 b16. a8 |

altoChorus=\notes\relative c'' {
    r8 |
    R2 |
    R2 |
    g32 g16. g16. g32 g16 g16 g8 |
    g2 ( | )   d ~ |
    d |
    g32 g16. g16. g32 g32 g16. fis8 |

sopChorusWords = \lyrics {
    Swing low, sweet char -- i -- ot,
    Com --ing for to car -- ry me home;
    Swing low, sweet char -- i -- ot,
    Com --ing for to car -- ry me home;

AccompChorusWords= \lyrics {
    Com -- ing for to car -- ry me home; __ 
    Com -- ing for to car -- ry me home.
\score {
    \notes <
        \context Staff = top {}
        \context Lyrics = sopWords {}
        \context Lyrics = accompWords {}
        \context Staff = top <
            \context Voice = soprano \notes { \voiceOne \sopChorus }
            \context Voice = alto \notes {\voiceTwo \altoChorus  }
        \context Lyrics = sopWords \context LyricsVoice="soprano-1" \sopChorusWords
        \context Lyrics = accompWords \context LyricsVoice = "alto-1" 

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