> Try \apply #(lambda (x) (display x) x) ...

Aah, this is exactly what I want!

>  * the mapping from syntax to parse trees is not entirely trivial. For
> example
>        R1
> is internall converted to
>   { \spanrequest \start mmrest
>     s1
>     \spanrequest \start mmrest
>   }
> what should \what return? 

Perhaps the same as the above lambda function, but tweaked for better
readability.  So instead of 

      Sequential_musicelements =
             Request_chordelements =
                    Span_reqspan-type = "rest"
                    span-direction = -1
                    type = request
             iterator-ctor = #<encapsulated C++ function>
             Request_chordelements =
                    Skip_reqduration = #<Duration 1 >
                    type = request
             iterator-ctor = #<encapsulated C++ function>
             Request_chordelements =
                    Span_reqspan-type = "rest"
                    span-direction = 1
                    type = request
             iterator-ctor = #<encapsulated C++ function>
    iterator-ctor = #<encapsulated C++ function>

[do you like my formatting? :-)]

Something like this:

  Sequential musicelements =
    Request_chordelements =
      Span_reqspan-type = "rest"
      span-direction = -1
      type = request
    Request_chordelements =
      Skip_reqduration = #<Duration 1 >
      type = request
    Request_chordelements =
      Span_reqspan-type = "rest"
      span-direction = 1
      type = request

A further refinement would be to replace the C++ variable names with
an English equivalent.

> > The trial-and-error method which is necessary at the moment due to
> > lacking documentation costs way too much time.
> Can you be more specific about "lacking documentation"?  I recently
> added a section on adjusting output to the tutorial, which explains
> how to go about tweaking.

Yes, this was of great help how to do it in general, but without
knowing exactly which input element maps to which grob you have a hard
time to find out what property of which grob should be modified.  Many
examples should be added as soon as the interface and syntax of
\property is really stable.


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