> > . Another bug: As can be seen in the image, the final `__' is missing.
> __ is a spanner.  It needs something to attach to; try adding a " "
> lyric at the end.

Hmm, I wasn't able to make LilyPond do that.  I want this (`r' is a
quarter rest):

      |        | |        |
      o.       | o     r  |

     Zeit. ___________

I think this is not easily possible with the current syntax.  What
about a new keyword \wordanchor or something like that:

  melody = \context Voice \notes \relative c'' {
    \time 3/4 a2.( | )g2 r4\wordanchor |

  text = \context Lyrics \lyrics {
    Zeit __ " "

If I miss something please enlighten me.


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