Hi all,

It may be the case that this change should be dropped,
as discussed, it may cause broken/disabled processors to be woken up.

I'm not sure what the long term solution is to start up systems with more
than 8 or 16 processors, due to the limitation of the destination field 
not matching the width of the APIC id.  Does anyone know how this works?


On 12/17/24 11:05 PM, Damien Zammit via Bug reports for the GNU Hurd wrote:
> Now that things are in place, we switch to parallel init.
> The key to this change is that the INIT/STARTUP sequence
> is done in one step, and all cpus wake up at the same time.
> Synchronisation is done to complete each cpu setup individually.
> ---
>   i386/i386/mp_desc.c | 51 +++++++++++++++------------------------------
>   i386/i386/mp_desc.h |  2 --
>   i386/i386/smp.c     | 20 +++++++++---------
>   i386/i386/smp.h     |  2 +-
>   kern/processor.c    |  4 ----
>   5 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

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