
On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 9:17 PM Samuel Thibault <samuel.thiba...@gnu.org> wrote:
> I tracked it a bit, it seems that libport is not always cleaning
> structures from the proc class. Below is the tracing that we get for
> instance with the while loop above. Alloc is the allocation of pi, free
> is the freeing from the point of view of the proc server, and clean is
> the actual cleanup done by libports.
> Could it be that proc is overflown with dead port notifications? That's
> not many procs, but still. Maybe Sergey has an idea?

I don't think I understood what "freeing from the point of view of the
proc server" and "actual cleanup done by libports" mean (for one
thing, proc_class's clean_routine is NULL).

Perhaps you could post this as a patch to clear things up, and also
for me to try and reproduce (& debug) this?


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