Samuel Thibault, le mar. 08 août 2023 23:28:02 +0200, a ecrit:
> Samuel Thibault, le mar. 08 août 2023 19:15:50 +0200, a ecrit:
> > The issue I'm still seeing now is that I cannot get to install some
> > packages, such as libicu72. When I pass it as extra package to
> > debootstrap, it does get installed, but when I "dpkg -i" it by hand,
> > things halt.
> BTW, to get rumpdisk out of the equation, it would be useful to work on
> moving the kernel map below 0xffffffff80000000, so we do not get any
> size constraint on it, and thus are able to load initrds of whatever
> size, provided that we have the memory.

BTW, using gunzip:device:rd0 and module --nounzip in grub allows to get
grub to load the gz version and let ext2fs unzip it into memory, so the
memory pressure is less of a concern, and one can create a large sparse
image, that'll be all in memory without making the initrd.gz large.


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