Damien Zammit, le ven. 21 juil. 2023 01:23:38 +0000, a ecrit:
> On 21/7/23 03:44, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> > Damien Zammit, le jeu. 20 juil. 2023 10:13:10 +0000, a ecrit:
> >> +  e = master->po->np->nn->ln;
> >> +  if (strncmp (e->name, FILE_CONFIG_NAME, NAME_SIZE))
> >> +    /* This operation may only be addressed to the config file */
> >> +    return EINVAL;
> >> +
> >> +  err = check_permissions (master, O_READ);
> > 
> > I'm wondering about this: don't we want to require some write access?
> > (since the i/o ports will allow basically anything with the device).
> > Not actually to the PCI config since we don't want to let the caller
> > change it. But it can rather be the region file on which we'd want to
> > run the RPC? (and thus not need the bar parameter).
> OK, how about we name the io regions ioX instead of regionX and
> only allow this io rpc to be run on them?
> It does not make sense to have the io region file exposed with read/write.

Indeed, that'd make things more obvious to shell users.


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