
On Sat, May 20, 2023 at 11:53 AM Samuel Thibault
<samuel.thiba...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Luca, le sam. 20 mai 2023 10:07:26 +0200, a ecrit:
> > What is the limitation with the ramdisk size?
> It's basically about the RAM size. So if you want a larger initrd, give
> more ram :)

I've tried to increase the ramdisk size once and it repeatedly crashed
(instantly rebooted), that was either when GRUB was loading it or when
Mach was, I don't remember. I do have plenty of RAM. I have not
investigated what went wrong. My current /boot/initrd.ext2 is 68M.

But we should look into getting off the ramdisk and onto the real
rumpdisk. ramdisk was just a way to get something working fast, now
it's done, let's attempt to boot properly.


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