On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 1:45 PM Samuel Thibault <samuel.thiba...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Sergey Bugaev, le mer. 12 avril 2023 13:42:50 +0300, a ecrit:
> > > You can run on master to get the list of current expected failures.
> >
> > But that's the thing, I can not :|
> I meant after having fixed the tests that break your testing, by
> disabling them as I hinted.

Alright, after spending a day trying to make this work, I declare this
a lost cause.

I have disabled the two tests you suggested, and some more that seemed
to behave particularly bad. It still always kills / hard-locks my
system, at seemingly random places. This means fs corruption, each
time, so I'm not willing to try doing this again and again.

But anyway, the test you mentioned works here. All the tests in csu/ do:

$ for test in $(find csu/ -executable -name test-\*); do echo running
$test; ./testrun.sh $test && echo ok; done
running csu/test-as-const-rtld-sizes
running csu/test-as-const-tcb-offsets
running csu/test-as-const-link-defines
running csu/test-as-const-tlsdesc
running csu/test-as-const-cpu-features-offsets

Is there any other way for me to reproduce the crashes? If you can
reproduce them, can you see what's going on, maybe enable LD_DEBUG and
see if rtld is getting relocated early for some reason? Or maybe you
could at least get a backtrace, and then we could try to stare at it
and figure out what's going on together?

Maybe you're building with some flags that affect this? I'm only doing


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