When THREAD_GETMEM is defined with inline assembly, the compiler may not optimize away the two reads of _hurd_sigstate. Help it out a little bit by only reading it once. This also makes for a slightly cleaner code.
Signed-off-by: Sergey Bugaev <buga...@gmail.com> --- hurd/hurd/signal.h | 8 +++++--- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/hurd/hurd/signal.h b/hurd/hurd/signal.h index c33f974b..662e955e 100644 --- a/hurd/hurd/signal.h +++ b/hurd/hurd/signal.h @@ -166,13 +166,15 @@ extern void _hurd_sigstate_delete (thread_t thread); _HURD_SIGNAL_H_EXTERN_INLINE struct hurd_sigstate * _hurd_self_sigstate (void) { - if (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, _hurd_sigstate) == NULL) + struct hurd_sigstate *ss = THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, _hurd_sigstate); + if (__glibc_unlikely (ss == NULL)) { thread_t self = __mach_thread_self (); - THREAD_SETMEM (THREAD_SELF, _hurd_sigstate, _hurd_thread_sigstate (self)); + ss = _hurd_thread_sigstate (self); + THREAD_SETMEM (THREAD_SELF, _hurd_sigstate, ss); __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), self); } - return THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, _hurd_sigstate); + return ss; } # endif #endif -- 2.39.2