Sergey Bugaev <> writes:

> Hi,
> this is a shameless self-promotion :) I have posted about the Terrible
> mDNS responder on Mastodon before, but not on this list, and I have
> been making minor changes to it recently, so I thought I might as well
> announce it here, perhaps it could be useful to someone.
> Debian GNU/Hurd comes with Avahi in the default install (I believe).
> Avahi has never worked for me (on the Hurd), and I doubt it has ever
> worked for anyone else either. I *have* looked into the why (as in
> spent hours debugging and patching it); I don't remember the
> specifics, but I do remember that I concluded it won't be easy to make
> it work. So, a dead end.
> P.S. Something like this should get you up & running:
> $ git clone
> $ cd terrible-mdns-responder
> $ meson setup build
> $ ninja -C build
> $ sudo ninja install -C build
> $ sudo update-rc.d terrible-mdns-responder defaults
> $ sudo update-rc.d avahi-daemon disable
> $ sudo service terrible-mdns-responder start

Hmmm... How do you run the Hurd?  Do you run linux on bare metal and
then Hurd on qemu?  When you are typing "herd.local" what does that

I suppose that means on your linux machine you are typing "ssh

May I help you create your email into some kind of manual page/wiki
article/blog post?


Joshua Branson

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