On September 14, 2022 9:26:30 PM GMT+02:00, carlosgonz 
<carlosg...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>Hi friends.
>I success install Debian Hurd on my Thinkpad T60, but i having some issues,
>1. when is booting the system can not reach boot gnome enviroment, it stock on 
>terminal, so not sure what to do to pass to gnome shell.
I don't think gnome will work. Try icevm or may be xfce4 
>2. The other issues is that when booting first or second time it showing on 
>the screen a Filesystem error, also that the Filesystem can not be unmonted.
Use sudo hurd-halt( or halt-hurd i don't remamber well) to shutdown the system 
instead of 'halt' 
>Thank of advance

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