Damien Zammit, le mer. 31 août 2022 14:37:29 +0000, a ecrit:
> +error_t
> +S_pfinet_getroutes (io_t port,
> +                 vm_size_t amount,
> +                 data_t *routes,
> +                 mach_msg_type_number_t *len)
> +{
> +  error_t err = 0;
> +  char rs[(MAX_ROUTES + 1) * 128];
> +  int n;
> +  char *buf;
> +
> +      n = get_routing_table (buf, 0, n);

Ah, you are just dumping the routing table in ascii format? I don't
think we want that, and rather get a series of route structures. procfs
can then do the ascii rendering.


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