This patch set contains three kind of changes:
* changes for IPC on x86_64 (e.g. msg alignment, copyin/copyout)
* 32-bit userland support on 64-bit kernel (e.g. exception stack
* minor fixes and cleanup

This is just a preliminary version, not everything is working yet.

I've tested this with a very minimal ramdisk I created, and I can see
that /hurd/startup is launched, together with the auth and proc
servers.  Rumpdisk is not yet working, as the
ds_device_intr_register() implementation is still missing for x86_64.
I also tried using the ramdisk of a netinstall image, and the init
scripts seem to hang at some point with messages like:

task /bin/sh(1) deallocating a bogus port 4294967295, most probably a bug.
task mkdir(10) deallocating a bogus port 4294967295, most probably a bug.

I think most IPC issues should be addressed, although maybe it's not
very optimized yet (especially the new copyinmsg/copyoutmsg).

These patches are based on the previous work:

Luca Dariz (15):
  fix rpc types for KERNEL_USER stubs
  simplify ipc_kmsg_copyout_body() usage
  fix argument passing to bootstrap modules
  compute mach port size from the corresponding type
  sign-extend mask in vm_map() with 32-bit userspace
  kmsg: fix msg body alignment
  fix host_info structure definition
  use port name type in  mach_port_names()
  x86_64: fix exception stack alignment
  x86_64: expand and shrink messages in copy{in,out}msg routines
  update syscall signature with rpc_vm_* and mach_port_name_t
  fix warnings for 32 bit builds
  cleanup headers in printf.c
  hack vm memory object proxy creation for vm arrays
  enable syscalls on x86_64

 device/cirbuf.c              |   4 +-
 i386/i386/copy_user.h        |  86 +++++++++++
 i386/i386/debug_i386.c       |   1 +
 i386/i386/pcb.c              |  10 +-
 i386/i386/thread.h           |   3 +
 i386/i386/trap.c             |   4 +
 i386/i386at/biosmem.c        |   2 -
 i386/i386at/com.c            |   2 +-
 i386/i386at/mem.c            |   1 +
 include/mach/host_info.h     |   2 +-
 include/mach/mach_traps.h    |  18 +--
 include/mach/mach_types.defs |  16 +-
 include/mach/message.h       |  11 ++
 ipc/ipc_kmsg.c               | 103 +++++++------
 ipc/ipc_kmsg.h               |   2 +-
 ipc/ipc_machdep.h            |  12 +-
 ipc/ipc_mqueue.c             |   5 +-
 ipc/mach_msg.c               |  23 ++-
 ipc/mach_port.c              |  12 +-
 kern/boot_script.c           |   1 +
 kern/bootstrap.c             |  22 ++-
 kern/bootstrap.h             |   5 +-
 kern/exception.c             |   1 +
 kern/ipc_host.c              |   2 +-
 kern/ipc_mig.c               |  78 +++++-----
 kern/ipc_mig.h               |  58 ++++----
 kern/ipc_tt.c                |   6 +-
 kern/ipc_tt.h                |   2 +-
 kern/printf.c                |   4 +-
 kern/syscall_subr.c          |   2 +-
 kern/syscall_subr.h          |   2 +-
 kern/syscall_sw.c            |   2 +-
 vm/memory_object_proxy.c     |   5 +
 vm/vm_debug.c                |   1 +
 vm/vm_map.c                  |   2 +-
 vm/vm_page.c                 |   2 -
 vm/vm_pageout.c              |   2 -
 vm/vm_user.c                 |   5 +
 x86_64/           |   1 +
 x86_64/copy_user.c           | 280 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 x86_64/locore.S              |  82 ----------
 41 files changed, 599 insertions(+), 283 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 i386/i386/copy_user.h
 create mode 100644 x86_64/copy_user.c


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