Hi all: Continuing the thread about Xorg, I want to remember some old bugs and lacks which make worse the user experience in desktop.
The bug list is this: 1. Xorg requires modify permissions to allow be started by a user: Currently, before run Xorg, it's necessary to make a `dpkg-reconfigure` to allow "any" to start the server https://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/hurd-install 2. We cannot return to tty after Xorg starts: The keycombs like "Ctrl+Alt+fX", which exists in Linux, doesn't exists in Hurd. So, once Xorg starts, the only way to return to tty is kill the server. If Xorg freeze, and you forgot to configure Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to kill the server, then you have to make a "dirty reboot" 3. There are not any modern Desktop Manager which works in Hurd: The only DM which currently works is XDM, which is very poor and obsolete. 4. After start the session with `startx`, if you try to close session from DE, Xorg doesn't close. The xinit binary has not setuid, so cannot kill itsself. I can solve it with `chmod a+s /usr/bin/xinit`, but it's a dirty solution. I consider that fix this issues is a very important step to attract (or simply keep) new users.