Sergey Bugaev, le mar. 19 oct. 2021 15:12:27 +0300, a ecrit:
> On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 2:27 PM Samuel Thibault <> 
> wrote:
> > Reboot-hurd is already that actually. What -f ignores on Linux is the
> > daemon shut down, which reboot-hurd ignores as well. People still expect
> > Linux to properly flush page cache and buffers, i.e. safely shut down
> > translators, which reboot-hurd does.
> I'm not exactly an expert on this, but I believe on "traditional" GNU/Linux
> systems, 'reboot' calls through to the init system, and 'reboot -f' just
> calls reboot(2) itself, without killing any processes or unmounting anything.

IIRC the kernel does unmount filesystems and flushes caches before
actually rebooting.


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