Joan Lledó, le dim. 17 oct. 2021 17:41:11 +0200, a ecrit:
> El 16/10/21 a les 13:27, Sergey Bugaev ha escrit:
> > routine vm_make_proxy (
> >      target_task : vm_task_t;
> >      address : vm_address_t;
> >      size : vm_size_t;
> >      out proxy : memory_object_t);
> Why the "size" parameter?

It will be useful to implement mremap with the same call.
In your case you know the size, don't you?

> I'd rather see a new wrapper for
> memory_object_create_proxy() which receives the same params but with the
> address instead of the original pager, which internally gets the pager from
> the address and calls memory_object_create_proxy(). After all, the only
> reason why I need the pager is to send it to memory_object_create_proxy() at
> netfs_impl.c:617 [1]. So why not skip one step?

That's almost the same, isn't it? (there is just the max_prot parameter,
which you can indeed add to the RPC above).


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