Hello Hurd, I'm blocked with a bug in the lwIP translator that's driving me crazy: under some particular circumstances, calling select() over two ports results on only one of these io_select RPCs being received by the translator. The other one is returned to glibc as EOPNOTSUPP.
I debugged enough to identify the source of this errno at ports_manage_port_operations_multithread() [1], particularly, the problems seems to be the bucket passed to ports_manage_port_operations_multithread() not matching the one inside the payload. Anyone has a hint on what could be happening here? I'm lost :( Reproducing this bug is easy: just install the liblwip0 package and try to open a ssh connection to our lwip translator. --------------- [1] https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/hurd/hurd.git/tree/libports/manage-multithread.c#n219