Il 03/07/2018 17:49, Almudena Garcia ha scritto:
> I've just tried to add this functions in, in clib_routines,
> as this form
> clib_routines := htonl htons ntohl ntohs                        \
>                  udivdi3 __udivdi3 __udivmoddi4 __umoddi3       \
>                  __divdi3                                       \
>                  __rel_iplt_start __rel_iplt_end                \
>                  __ffsdi2                                    \ 
>                 ffs intel_startCPU local_bh_count local_irq_count \
>                 _START _start etext _edata end _end # actually ld magic,
> not li$     

This seems to be ok for the ffs function, the others are not part of the
standard C library.

> But now It shows this error (attached file)
> Feels that It's necessary to define this functions but I don't know
> where these functions are located.
> How can I define this?     
I'd look for for the non-SMP implementation and start from there, they
should be somewhere in gnumach sources.

Also it seems that local_bh_count and local_irq_count are used only in
the Linux-based drivers, so maybe you can look to the SMP-aware
implementation in Linux (or #define the functions as empty macros if
they are not strictly needed..)


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