Follow-up Comment #3, bug #48371 (project hurd): I patched trans/streamio.c (trivfs_S_io_read) so that, if amount == 0, it returns success without blocking. I didn't change dev_read because it's called only from trivfs_S_io_read and I thought it'd be better to avoid locking global_lock in this case. After installing this change and rebooting, I then ran as root
rpctrace perl -e 'sysread STDIN, $_, 0' < /dev/klog and it didn't hang. I also ran "cat /dev/klog", which correctly output the "unexpected RESEND from keyboard" message from gnumach when I used a key combination to defocus the virtualbox window. I did not retest /dev/klog support in rsyslog. As discussed on #hurd, I don't intend to post the patch itself. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah