Follow-up Comment #3, bug #17128 (project hurd):

I cannot reproduce this bug with hurd 1:0.8.git20160522-4, libc0.3 2.22-13,
and gnumach 2:1.7+git20160607-1 from Debian.  I tried to reproduce it this
way, all commands as root:

ps -e | grep fifo    # showed two /hurd/fifo processes
mkfifo horhor
sh -c 'ls -l horhor' # showed that it's a pipe
sh -c 'cat horhor'   # blocked, so I hit ^C
ps -e | grep fifo    # showed three /hurd/fifo processes
rm horhor
ps -e | grep fifo    # showed the original two /hurd/fifo processes

I expected that, if the bug had not been fixed, there would have been three
/hurd/fifo processes at the end.


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