
Agustina Arzille, on Mon 09 May 2016 22:45:17 -0300, wrote:
> On 05/08/2016 07:42 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> >512M is not so much, perhaps use more as Richard suggested.
> I did try that, and got farther than before (Thanks, Richard!). On the other
> hand, glibc's testsuite failed during math/tgmath2, after a crash.

Just to make sure: are you building the debian package, or from our
hurd/glibc.git tree?  In the debian package at least, the testsuite
should be going on, and give a regression summary: quite a few tests are
"expected" to fail. tgmath2 is however not in the list. Did you check
that it did not fail without your patch?

> Oh, right. Well, we would need to change something in gnumach for that, right?



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