Hi :) thanks for your prototype. I cannot comment on the primitive you implemented because I'm lacking the expertise, however
Quoting Agustina Arzille (2016-02-28 02:53:12) > I've tested it in many scenarios, and seems to work fine. I've > benchmarked it as well, and it's far more faster than pthread > mutexes implemented with "mach_msg". I'm far from being an expert in > kernel programming, though, so so there's probably a few things that > I've overlooked. > [...] > +routine gsync_wait( > [...] > +simpleroutine gsync_wake( I'm curious why your mechanism is faster, because you implemented it using messages sent to the kernel using mach_msg, and not as traps. This is ok for a prototype of course, but you should look at how e.g. mach_port_deallocate is also available as a trap. Cheers, Justus