Quoting Svante Signell (2016-02-08 14:44:09)
> > That openstat is 0 has nothing to do with protected payloads.  I
> > believe it is because the underlying node of the 'null' translator is
> > opened with flags=0.
> Are you referring to the nullauth() call in null.c here? I've tried to remove
> that call without anything changing.


> Where to find the code setting the underlying node of the null translator 
> flags
> to zero?

It starts with /dev/null having a passive translator record.  If that
is first accessed, diskfs_S_dir_lookup will start the translator on
demand.  Somewhere between diskfs_S_dir_lookup, fshelp_fetch_root,
fshelp_start_translator_long, there is a callback that opens the
underlying node.


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