
Attached in subsequent mails is an updated patch series for file record locking
support, mainly developed by Neal Walfield in 2001. The patch was
published by Marcus Brinkmann and later re-diffed by Michael Banck in
2002. Now modified to use libpthread instead of cthreads. Additional fixes since
last submission include a bug fix in the libdiskfs implementation, a full
libnetfs implementation and a proxy solution for libtrivfs (more later). Added
to libfshelp-tests are two new files: set-fcntl.c and set-flock.c. They need
some further work before being general enough to be usable for testing all
implementations of file record locking.


I've run this patched Hurd on several kvm images since July 2014 without

There are still remaining issues to solve, especially implementation of the
proc_user_identify and proc_server_identify RPCs. However I'd like to give an
update of the current status, therefore this patch series update now.

[1/6] libfshelp_rlock.patch
[2/6] libdiskfs_file_record_lock.patch
[3/6] libtrivfs_file_record_lock.patch
[4/6] libnetfs_file_record_lock.patch
[5/6] hurd_add_RPC.patch
[6/6] libfshelp-tests_rlock.patch

This patch series is followed by the corresponding glibc patch:

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