
Attached is the test code where fakeroot-hurd fails.
fakeroot-hurd ./test_sockets
bind: Operation not supported

Using fakeroot-tcp or no fakeroot succeeds:
Receiving via datagram socket

plain (similar with fakeroot-tcp)
rpctrace ./test_sockets
  67<--141(pid9219)->dir_unlink ("test_sockets_socket") = 0x40000002 (No
such file or directory) 
task131(pid9219)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{  5}) = 0 
task131(pid9219)->vm_allocate (17189648 4096 1) = 0 16957440
  109<--142(pid9219)->dir_lookup ("servers/socket/1" 0 0) = 0 1 ""
  158<--157(pid9219)->socket_create (2 0) = 0    160<--159(pid9219)
task131(pid9219)->mach_port_mod_refs (pn{  5} 0 1) = 0 
  67<--141(pid9219)->dir_mkfile (16 438) = 0    162<--161(pid9219)
  162<--161(pid9219)->file_set_translator (6 6 0 "/hurd/ifsock"  (null))
= 0 
  162<--161(pid9219)->dir_lookup ("" 0 0) = 0 1 ""    164<--163(pid9219)
  164<--163(pid9219)->ifsock_getsockaddr () = 0    166<--165(pid9219)
  162<--161(pid9219)->file_chmod (420) = 0 
  67<--141(pid9219)->dir_link (   162<--161(pid9219)
"test_sockets_socket" 1) = 0 
task131(pid9219)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 21}) = 0 
task131(pid9219)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 20}) = 0 
task131(pid9219)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{  5}) = 0 
  160<--159(pid9219)->socket_bind (   166<--165(pid9219)) = 0 
task131(pid9219)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 22}) = 0 
  67<--141(pid9219)->dir_lookup ("test_sockets_socket" 0 0) = 0 1 ""
  166<--167(pid9219)->file_chmod (292) = 0 
task131(pid9219)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 22}) = 0 
  156<--155(pid9219)->io_write ("Receiving via datagram socket\n"
-1)Receiving via datagram socket
 = 0 30
  140<--144(pid9219)->proc_mark_exit_request (0 0) = 0 
task131(pid9219)->task_terminate () = 0 
Child 9219 exited with 0

fakeroot-hurd rpctrace ./test_sockets

  10<--46(pid9244)->dir_unlink ("test_sockets_socket") = 0x40000002 (No
such file or directory) 
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{  7}) = 0 
task34(pid9244)->vm_allocate (17189648 4096 1) = 0 16957440
  9<--47(pid9244)->dir_lookup ("servers/socket/1" 0 0) = 0 1 ""
  63<--62(pid9244)->socket_create (2 0) = 0    65<--64(pid9244)
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_mod_refs (pn{  7} 0 1) = 0 
  10<--46(pid9244)->dir_mkfile (16 438) = 0    67<--66(pid9244)
  67<--66(pid9244)->file_set_translator (6 6 0 "/hurd/ifsock"  (null)) =
0x4000002d (Operation not supported) 
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 22}) = 0 
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{  7}) = 0 
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 21}) = 0 
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_mod_refs (pn{  6} 0 1) = 0 
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_mod_refs (pn{ 19} 0 1) = 0 
  11<--45(pid9244)->io_get_openmodes () = 0 259
  11<--45(pid9244)->io_stat () = 0 {14 999 0 0 0 1368812073 0 8397200 1
1000 5 0 0 1430739968 0 1430739968 0 1430739968 0 512 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0}
  11<--45(pid9244)->io_seek (0 1) = 0x4000001d (Illegal seek) 
  61<--60(pid9244)->io_write ("bind: Operation not supported\n" -1)bind:
Operation not supported
 = 0 30
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 19}) = 0 
task34(pid9244)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{  6}) = 0 
  43<--49(pid9244)->proc_mark_exit_request (256 0) = 0 
task34(pid9244)->task_terminate () = 0 
Child 9244 exited with 1

./my_fakeroot-hurd rpctrace ./test_sockets
With original code in trans/fakeroot.c:
netfs_attempt_chmod (struct iouser *cred, struct node *np, mode_t mode)
  if ((mode & S_IFMT) == 0)
    mode |= np->nn_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT;
  if ((mode & S_IFMT) != (np->nn_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT))
    return EOPNOTSUPP;

<<<- Errors out here ->>>

  /* We don't bother with error checking since the fake mode change
     always succeed--worst case a later open will get EACCES.  */
  (void) file_chmod (netfs_node_netnode (np)->file, mode);
  set_faked_attribute (np, FAKE_MODE);
  np->nn_stat.st_mode = mode;
  return 0;

With modifications to handle the socket case:
(and printouts in netfs_S_dir_lookup())
  if ((mode & S_IFMT) == 0)
      mode |= np->nn_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT;
      /* We don't bother with error checking since the fake mode change
         always succeed--worst case a later open will get EACCES.  */
      (void) file_chmod (netfs_node_netnode (np)->file, mode);
      set_faked_attribute (np, FAKE_MODE);
      np->nn_stat.st_mode = mode;

  if ((mode & S_IFMT) != 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"trans/fakeroot.c: netfs_attempt_chmod: mode=%0o
\n", mode)\
      fprintf(stderr,"trans/fakeroot.c: netfs_attempt_chmod:
 S_IFSOCK=%0o\n", (mode & S_IFMT), S_IFSOCK);
      fprintf(stderr,"trans/fakeroot.c: netfs_attempt_chmod:
e=%0o, (np->nn_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT)=%0o\n", np->nn_stat.st_mode,
.st_mode & S_IFMT));
      if ((mode & S_IFMT) != (np->nn_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT))
          switch (mode & S_IFMT)
            case S_IFSOCK:
              fprintf(stderr, "case S_IFSOCK\n");

              np->nn_stat.st_mode = mode;

fakeroot-hurd rpctrace ./test_sockets
  10<--46(pid9260)->dir_unlink ("test_sockets_socket") = 0x40000002 (No
such file or directory) 
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{  7}) = 0 
task34(pid9260)->vm_allocate (17189648 4096 1) = 0 16957440
  9<--47(pid9260)->dir_lookup ("servers/socket/1" 0 0)
trans_fakeroot.c:netfs_S_dir_lookup: calling dir_lookup: dir=26,
filename='servers/socket/1', mode=0
trans_fakeroot.c:netfs_S_dir_lookup: BEFORE switch *do_retry:
*do_retry=1, retry_name='', file=60, err=0
 = 0 1 ""    63<--62(pid9260)
  63<--62(pid9260)->socket_create (2 0) = 0    65<--64(pid9260)
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_mod_refs (pn{  7} 0 1) = 0 
  10<--46(pid9260)->dir_mkfile (16
438)trans/fakeroot.c:netfs_attempt_mkfile: BEFORE dir_mkfile:
real_mode=666, mode=666
trans/fakeroot.c:netfs_attempt_mkfile: AFTER dir_mkfile: new_file=54
 = 0    67<--66(pid9260)
  67<--66(pid9260)->file_set_translator (6 6 0 "/hurd/ifsock"
(null))trans/fakeroot.c: netfs_attempt_chmod: mode=140666
trans/fakeroot.c: netfs_attempt_chmod: (mode&S_IFMT)=140000,
trans/fakeroot.c: netfs_attempt_chmod: np->nn_stat.st_mode=100666,
(np->nn_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT)=100000
 = 0 
  67<--66(pid9260)->dir_lookup ("" 0 0)
trans_fakeroot.c:netfs_S_dir_lookup: calling dir_lookup: dir=54,
filename='', mode=0
trans_fakeroot.c:netfs_S_dir_lookup: BEFORE switch *do_retry:
*do_retry=1, retry_name='', file=59, err=0
 = 0 1 ""    69<--68(pid9260)
  69<--68(pid9260)->ifsock_getsockaddr () = 0x4000002d (Operation not
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 23}) = 0 
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 22}) = 0 
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{  7}) = 0 
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 21}) = 0 
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_mod_refs (pn{  6} 0 1) = 0 
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_mod_refs (pn{ 19} 0 1) = 0 
  11<--45(pid9260)->io_get_openmodes () = 0 259
  11<--45(pid9260)->io_stat () = 0 {14 999 0 0 0 1368812073 0 8397200 1
1000 5 0 0 1430740200 0 1430740200 0 1430740200 0 512 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0}
  11<--45(pid9260)->io_seek (0 1) = 0x4000001d (Illegal seek) 
  61<--60(pid9260)->io_write ("bind: Gratuitous error\n" -1)bind:
Gratuitous error
 = 0 23
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 19}) = 0 
task34(pid9260)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{  6}) = 0 
  43<--49(pid9260)->proc_mark_exit_request (256 0) = 0 
task34(pid9260)->task_terminate () = 0 
Child 9260 exited with 1

/* test_sockets.c */
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>

typedef enum { FALSE, TRUE } Boolean;

#define SOCK_PATH "test_sockets_socket"

#define handle_error(msg) \
  do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0)

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  struct sockaddr_un addr = { 0 };
  const char *path = SOCK_PATH;

  int sfd;
  int type = SOCK_DGRAM;
  int sfd, cfd;
  int type = SOCK_STREAM;
  struct sockaddr_un peer_addr = { 0 };
  socklen_t peer_addr_size;

  /* Create a UNIX domain socket and bind it to 'path'.
   Return the socket descriptor on success, or -1 on error. */

  /* Create socket bound to well-known address */
  if (remove(SOCK_PATH) == -1 && errno != ENOENT)

  addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
  if (strlen(path) < sizeof(addr.sun_path))
    strncpy(addr.sun_path, path, sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1);

  sfd = socket(AF_UNIX, type, 0);
  if (sfd == -1)

  if (bind(sfd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) == -1)

  /* Temporary test: make socket world readable */
  //Does not work? chmod (path, S_IRUSR || S_IWUSR || S_IROTH || S_IWOTH);
  chmod (path, 0444);
  //chmod (path, 0644);
  //chmod (path, 0666);

  fprintf(stderr, "Receiving via datagram socket\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "Receiving via stream socket\n");
  if (listen(sfd, LISTEN_BACKLOG) == -1)

  peer_addr_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un);
  cfd = accept(sfd, (struct sockaddr *) &peer_addr,
  if (cfd == -1)


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