
On Fri, 20 Feb 2015 22:44:17 +0100, I wrote:
> As in the subject, and see the attached QEMU screenshot.  Has something
> been changed in the boot process ("startup" is new; Justus CCed ;-) just
> in case) that would cause this non-root filesystem to be mounted that
> early, so that e2fsck can't then process it anymore?  "Erich" has not
> needed a lot of e2fscks, but if my memory serves me right, this used to
> work "until recently".

By the way, the same problem also happens if /dev/hd2, "erich" is clean.
Only then you can't nicely see in the log how early it's being mounted,
which definitely is too early:

        root     1     1   -  0:00.28 init [2]
           -     2     1   -  0:00.00 /hurd/startup root=device:hd0s1
           -     3     1   ?  0:00.04 root=device:hd0s1
           -     4     2   ?  0:00.14 /hurd/proc
           -     5     2   -  0:02.03 ext2fs --readonly 
--multiboot-command-line=root=device:hd0s1 --host-priv-port=1 
--device-master-port=2 --exec-serv
           -     6     5   -  0:00.04 /hurd/exec
           -     7     2   -  0:00.01 /hurd/auth
        root     8     5   -  0:00.35 /hurd/term /dev/console device console
        root     9     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/magic tty
        root    10     5   -  0:00.07 /hurd/pflocal
        root    12     1   -  0:00.03 /hurd/mach-defpager
           -    20     5   -  0:00.02 /hurd/null
        root    21     5   -  0:00.04 /hurd/procfs -c
        root    39     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/proxy-defpager
        root    88     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/storeio hd0s1
        root    89     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/storeio hd1
        root    90     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/storeio hd2
        root    91     5   -  0:00.02 /hurd/ext2fs --no-atime /dev/hd2
        root    92     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/storeio --no-cache time
        root    93     1   -  0:00.00 /hurd/tmpfs --nosuid --noexec --size=10% 
--mode=755 tmpfs
        root   107     1   -  0:00.01 /hurd/tmpfs --noexec --nosuid 
--size=5242880 --mode=1777 tmpfs
        root   179     1   -  0:00.00 /hurd/tmpfs --nosuid --noexec 
--size=314560k --mode=1777 tmpfs
           -   208    21   -  0:00.01 /hurd/mtab /
        root   367    93   -  0:00.00 /hurd/fifo
        root   517     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/random --seed-file 
/var/spool/random-seed --fast
        root   538     5   -  0:00.04 /hurd/pfinet --interface=/dev/eth0 
--address= --netmask= --gateway= -6 /servers/sock
        root   539     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/devnode -M /dev/netdde eth0
        root   540     5   -  0:01.64 /hurd/netdde
        root   573     1   -  0:00.00 dhclient -v -pf 
/run/dhclient..dev.eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient..dev.eth0.leases 
        root   615     1   -  0:00.00 /sbin/rpcbind -w
        root   669     5   -  0:00.00 /hurd/streamio kmsg
        root   697     5   -  0:00.01 /hurd/term /dev/tty1 hurdio 
        root   698     5   -  0:00.01 /hurd/console
        root   702     1   -  0:00.27 /bin/console --daemonize -d current_vcs 
-c /dev/vcs -d vga vga -d pc_kbd --keymap us pc_kbd -d pc_mouse --protocol

I'd expect PID 91, the ext2fs for /dev/hd2 (who (only) serves home
directories via a /home -> media/erich/home symlink) to appear only after
the console or other login things have been started.  Inside /etc/,
/media/erich is only mentioned in /etc/fstab.  Yet, something must be
touching the /media/erich node early.  I have not yet made an attempt to
disentangle the boot process, waiting if someone has an idea already.

>     $ showtrans /media/erich
>     /hurd/ext2fs --no-atime /dev/hd2
>     $ grep hd2 < /etc/fstab
>     /dev/hd2        /media/erich ext2 defaults 0 2
> QEMU configuration:
>     qemu-system-i386 \
>       [...] \
>       -drive cache=writeback,index=0,media=disk,file=laplace-root.img \
>       -drive cache=writeback,index=1,media=disk,file=laplace-swap.img \
>       -drive cache=writeback,index=2,media=disk,file=erich.img \
>       [...]


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