Retire the compatibility RPC `old_mach_port_get_receive_status' that
works like `mach_port_get_receive_status' but returns an
`old_mach_port_status' object that lacks the `mps_seqno' field.

Do not remove the type yet, so we do not break anyones build.  The RPC
stubs currently distributed with the glibc require it.

* include/mach/mach_port.defs (old_mach_port_get_receive_status): Drop RPC.
* include/mach/mach_types.defs (old_mach_port_status_t): Drop type.
* include/mach/port.h (old_mach_port_status_t): Add note to remove
this for the 1.6 release.
* ipc/mach_port.c (old_mach_port_get_receive_status): Drop function.
 include/mach/mach_port.defs  |  9 +--------
 include/mach/mach_types.defs |  2 --
 include/mach/port.h          |  2 ++
 ipc/mach_port.c              | 40 ----------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/mach/mach_port.defs b/include/mach/mach_port.defs
index c7e8526..c21c34b 100644
--- a/include/mach/mach_port.defs
+++ b/include/mach/mach_port.defs
@@ -176,14 +176,7 @@ routine mach_port_mod_refs(
                right           : mach_port_right_t;
                delta           : mach_port_delta_t);
- *     Temporary compatibility call.
- */
-routine old_mach_port_get_receive_status(
-               task            : ipc_space_t;
-               name            : mach_port_name_t;
-       out     status          : old_mach_port_status_t);
+skip;  /* old old_mach_port_get_receive_status */
  *     Only valid for receive rights.
diff --git a/include/mach/mach_types.defs b/include/mach/mach_types.defs
index 85ad653..8e68d38 100644
--- a/include/mach/mach_types.defs
+++ b/include/mach/mach_types.defs
@@ -60,8 +60,6 @@ serverprefix SERVERPREFIX;
 type mach_port_status_t = struct[9] of integer_t;
-type old_mach_port_status_t = struct[8] of integer_t;  /* compatibility */
 type task_t = mach_port_t
                ctype: mach_port_t
diff --git a/include/mach/port.h b/include/mach/port.h
index 53f6071..3036a92 100644
--- a/include/mach/port.h
+++ b/include/mach/port.h
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ typedef struct mach_port_status {
  *  Compatibility definitions, for code written
  *  before there was an mps_seqno field.
+ *
+ *  XXX: Remove this before releasing Gnumach 1.6.
 typedef struct old_mach_port_status {
diff --git a/ipc/mach_port.c b/ipc/mach_port.c
index 4ff39f2..c7d9b81 100644
--- a/ipc/mach_port.c
+++ b/ipc/mach_port.c
@@ -744,46 +744,6 @@ mach_port_mod_refs(
- *     Routine:        old_mach_port_get_receive_status [kernel call]
- *     Purpose:
- *             Compatibility for code written before sequence numbers.
- *             Retrieves mucho info about a receive right.
- *     Conditions:
- *             Nothing locked.
- *     Returns:
- *             KERN_SUCCESS            Retrieved status.
- *             KERN_INVALID_TASK       The space is null.
- *             KERN_INVALID_TASK       The space is dead.
- *             KERN_INVALID_NAME       The name doesn't denote a right.
- *             KERN_INVALID_RIGHT      Name doesn't denote receive rights.
- */
-       ipc_space_t             space,
-       mach_port_t             name,
-       old_mach_port_status_t  *statusp)
-       mach_port_status_t status;
-       kern_return_t kr;
-       kr = mach_port_get_receive_status(space, name, &status);
-       if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
-               return kr;
-       statusp->mps_pset = status.mps_pset;
-       statusp->mps_mscount = status.mps_mscount;
-       statusp->mps_qlimit = status.mps_qlimit;
-       statusp->mps_msgcount = status.mps_msgcount;
-       statusp->mps_sorights = status.mps_sorights;
-       statusp->mps_srights = status.mps_srights;
-       statusp->mps_pdrequest = status.mps_pdrequest;
-       statusp->mps_nsrequest = status.mps_nsrequest;
-       return KERN_SUCCESS;
  *     Routine:        mach_port_set_qlimit [kernel call]
  *     Purpose:
  *             Changes a receive right's queue limit.

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