
On 11/12/14 11:53, Samuel Thibault wrote:
Riccardo Mottola, le Wed 12 Nov 2014 11:30:29 +0100, a écrit :
1) if I try text-install, I select additional components (I only add DDE for
network stuff),
Why selection additional components by hand?  The automatic way should
just work.
If I enable DDE, I get a network card detected, since DHCP is attempted, if I do not, I get the message that no network card is present. DHCP fails,I want to fall back to manual configuration and the computer stays witha blue screen and a blinking cursor forever.

it will freeze without any error while loading additional
components. Perhaps I go out of memory (I'm tight) ?
Can't say if you don't tell how much tight you are.
I have 256M

The 2013 CD worked with my limited ram, are we more hungry now?
Debian in general gets more and more hungry, yes.  I had to bump d-i's
lowmem limits quite a lot for Linux too.
looks like a dim path to get my hurd machine bach on track :(

2) just for the sake of it I tried pseudo-graphical install, with and
without CJK but I still get a black screen
Uh, it's very odd that without CJK you get a black screen.  I guess
nowadays video cards are just not able to properly process what used to
be very standard modes.
I extra tried again. Black screen.
I should be a nVidia  TNT with 16MB

Other options barren getting the hard disk into another PC? Is there a back-up of older but not-so-old installers? I was able to complete my install about one year ago.


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