I'm experiencing exactly the same problem.This is a Pentium 3 based machine with a classic IDE hard drive.

On 09/08/2014 10:30 PM, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

after the last udpate (I admit, a couple of weeks ago before the holiday season) which was apparently successful, my system doesn't boot anymore.

I get:

start ext2fs: ext2fs: device:hd0s1: warning: FILESYSTEM NOT UNMOUNTED CLEANLY; PLEASE fsck
Hurd server bootstrap: ext2fs[device:hd0s1] exec

And here it hangs forever, no disk activity, nothing (although eventually the screen will blank)

I then tried to enter GRUB and use the "recovery mode" ( is this the new wording for single-user?)

The output changes, but hangs in the same place:

start ext2fs: ext2fs: device:hd0s1: warning: FILESYSTEM NOT UNMOUNTED CLEANLY; PLEASE fsck ext2fs: device:hd0s1: warning: MOUNTED READ-ONLY; MUST USE 'fsysopts ''writable'
Hurd server bootstrap: ext2fs[device:hd0s1] exec

What is happening? is ext2fs server haning because my filesystem wasn't cleanly unmounted? It would be nice to get at least in single-user and run fsck!


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