On 16.09.2013 09:38:35, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Marin Ramesa, le Mon 16 Sep 2013 08:30:44 +0200, a écrit :
> > Actually, it changes the behavior when the values at the memory 
> > locations beyond null-termination are equal.

Sorry. The other version does this. It's what I intented.

> Err, but the added lines do not break the loop at the
> null-termination, so I still don't understand what changes.

'src' null-terminates and 'target' doesn't, so the loop breaks. If it 
didn't break it would enter another iteration and the pointer would 
increment after comparison going to address beyond the address of null-
termination. So, it just prevents this. My change is partial and 
doesn't do what I actually wanted to do.

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