Hello, I'm currently working on getting libpcap to a decent state on the Hurd. As already discussed on IRC, permission checking will be performed by the new devopen translator (devnode in the incubator/dde branch), and libpcap will include a new Hurd specific capture module. For now, I've written a (Debian specific) patch that includes a first experimental version of this module. It currently uses the embedded BPF filter code in libpcap so that it can be used for both GNU Mach and DDE drivers (I know GNU Mach supports BPF filters in kernel, not sure about DDE though, and not sure either it's worth the effort as probably noone uses the Hurd for any performance critical application; comments are welcome).
The Debian packages are available at my brand new repository. Add these to your sources.list file (ftp:// access should also work) : deb http://ftp.sceen.net/debian-hurd experimental/ deb-src http://ftp.sceen.net/debian-hurd experimental/ For the curious, darnassus.sceen.net is already using the experimental libpcap0.8 code. Both tcpdump and wireshark were tested with success. If anyone knows an application that makes use of pcap_inject(), I'd be happy to hear about it. Enjoy. -- Richard Braun