
On Mon, 9 May 2011 00:07:16 +0200, Samuel Thibault <samuel.thiba...@gnu.org> 
> I've started having a look at Zheng Da's user-level driver integration.
> I've cleaned his tree a bit, and now considering adding patches to
> the debian packages for wider testing.


I'm not the most knowledgeable person to comment on these RPC interfaces,
but anyway:

> The patches however add a few
> kernel RPCs, which we should probably agree on first, at the minimum
> that their existence makes sense, so we can reserve slots in upstream
> gnumach.  Basically, it's about allocating physically-contiguous memory
> for DMAs, and getting IRQ events:

Of course, it doesn't matter at the moment, but are these for x86 only,
or architecture independent?

>  *      This routine is created for allocating DMA buffers.
>  *      We are going to get a contiguous physical memory
>  *      and its physical address in addition to the virtual address.
>  */
> routine vm_allocate_contiguous(
>                 host_priv       : host_priv_t;
>                 target_task     : vm_task_t;
>         out     vaddr           : vm_address_t;
>         out     paddr           : vm_address_t;
>                 size            : vm_size_t);

Hmm, I guess we don't have anything that is better than using
vm_address_t for physical addresses?  At least not in
include/mach/std_types.h, i386/include/mach/i386/vm_types.h.  Should we?
(phys_address_t based on natural_t?)

At this time, would it make sense to make paddr inout (and/or vaddr,
too?) and add an additional ``anywhere : boolean_t'' parameter as
vm_allocate has?  Or can't there be any need for such functionality?

> /* Requesting IRQ events on a port */
> routine device_intr_notify(
>                master_port     : mach_port_t;
>        in      irq             : int;
>        in      id              : int;
>        in      flags           : int;
>        in      receive_port    : mach_port_send_t
>        );

Minor, but I would put the receive_port at the top of the ``in data''
list, after the master_port.

Shouldn't all the other ``in data'' items be wrapped in an
(architecured-dependent) structure similar to what we're doing for I/O
ports?  Compare io_perm_t in i386/include/mach/i386/mach_i386.defs,
i386/include/mach/i386/mach_i386_types.h, i386/i386/io_perm.h.  I believe
this would help to separate implementation details (IRQ number being an
integer; specific values of flags; etc.) from the RPC mechanism.
Especially so if these are architecture independent calls.

> The actual event:
> simpleroutine mach_notify_irq(
>                notify  : notify_port_t;
>                name    : int);

I don't understand this ``name : int''.  Isn't this rather a pointer to a
struct mach_irq_notification_t?

> And a way to mask/unmask irqs:
> /*
>  *     enable/disable the specified irq.
>  */
> routine device_irq_enable(
>                master_port     : mach_port_t;
>                irq             : int;
>                status          : char);
> Should this be rather split into device_irq_enable/disable and drop the
> status paramter?

What about using the I/O port scheme?  That is, decide_intr_notify
doesn't enable IRQ notifications, but instead just returns a handle
(compare i386_io_perm_create) that is then passed to device_irq_enable to
enable/disable IRQ notifications (compare i386_io_perm_modify).  Does
that make sense in this IRQ scenario?


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